Three simple rules in creating a logo:
live with it, one trick per logo, a dot is all it takes

by John McWade
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Web design

web designWeb design is a creative process of construction and arrangement of graphic elements brought together in an interactive environment with technical means.

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Logo design

logo designThe logo is your company sign. It is the most simple and direct means of promoting your business and the uniqueness of your company.

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Graphic design

Graphic design is an activity in which a quantity of information gives a comfortable and aesthetic form and is furnished clearly and unambiguously.

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Web development

Web development is a technical process which gives the collected from study and research information à finished.

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Multimedia & 3D

Multimedia products and 3D visualizations. Video editing, video advertisements, engineer design. Product design.

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Website support, maintenance, manage, edit and update content on websites. Website analysis and monitoring.

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Radina’s Way new logo

Êîðïîðàòèâíîòî ëîãîòî íà Radina's Way ñú÷åòàâà â ñåáå ñè àáñòðàêòíèÿ ïúò çà áÿãñòâîòî îò åæåäíåâèåòî, ïúòÿ êúì õîòåëà è áóêâàòà "R", îò íåãîâîòî èìå.Radina's Way corporate logo was created by Marin Petrov (PMD Studio). It combines an abstract way to escape from everyday life, the way to the hotel and the letter "R", the name of the hotel.

PMD Studio - web & graphic design, brand identity, multimedia advertisement.
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